Intervention Programmes
One on One support to families and individuals
Families and children at risk of violence and abuse.
The increasing disintegration of families, mainly due to the immense pressure of unemployment, coupled with substance abuse and family violence, creates an urgent need for more services that focus on the protection of children. This services provides one on one empowerment and support to families and individuals by providing crisis prevention and early intervention through counselling sessions and support. Dealing mostly with issues around: communication between parent/s and child/ren, education, discipline, behavioural problems, substance abuse and single parenting. This work is often very challenging and demanding; involving multifaceted problems and often unwilling clients with limited parenting skills. The wide range and extent of issues to be addressed, stretches the capacity of social workers and available resources.
One-on-one counselling sessions are provided dealing with issues such as:
Workshops are presented in the form of drama enactments such as puppet shows for younger children, or standard presentations.
Workshops / Support Group Sessions
For Parents & Care Givers
Parents and Care Givers of Children
The development and facilitation of various workshops and support groups are aimed at developing informed, effective and protective parenting especially in challenging circumstances.
Regular Education and Awareness Workshops and support groups are organized and facilitated throughout the year for parents, Guardians / Care givers of children. These workshops and support groups focus on pertinent issues and support related to effective parenting and include:
All of these support and educational initiatives aim to equip parents with knowledge and practical skills to help them deal with the demands of parenthood, especially in difficult circumstances such as poverty and crime ridden communities.
Schools | Clinics | Support Groups | Children | Teachers | Women | Parents | Caregivers | Churches | SAPS | Psychiatrists | Psychologists | Therapists & Government Departments.
CMR works closely with existing resources in the Eastern Cape including the Department of Social Development, ACVV, South African Police Services (SAPS) and other Non-Government Organisation’s (NPO’s) to achieve maximum impact and avoid duplication of services. Activities are evaluated on an ongoing basis and registers are meticulously kept to record the number of people making use of CMR’s services.
Regular programme consultation with Social Workers to:
Foster Care / Alternative care & Family reunification Support
Children in need of temporary safe care
Children have long been accepted as the most vulnerable members of society. The frightening increase of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children has resulted in the implementation of stringent Government Policies to ensure the rights and protection of children. CMR places great emphasis on the preservation of the family, and provides supportive and preventative services to the communities in which they operate. However, in some instances prevention is unsuccessful and, as a last resort, statutory intervention is necessary. These services focus on the best interest of children. The Statutory process is intense and lengthy, requiring many hours of investigation, report-preparation, court appearances and on-going monitoring of the child involved. All procedures are governed by stringent rules and regulations as prescribed in the Children’s Act 38/2005.
Through this intervention, CMR aims to protect children and families in the least restrictive way. This includes risk assessment alternative temporary placement of children in need of care and protection, foster care supervision and family reunification services.
New referrals from the Children’s Court and requests from the community are increasing drastically.
Children in need of permanent placement.
Adoption is a legal process involving many stakeholders and role players – accredited social workers, presiding officers, social workers in private practice accredited to do adoptions and other professionals including Government Departments. Adoptions are facilitated through the Children’s Court by an adoption social worker and the presiding officer. Strict legal procedures terminate the parental responsibilities and rights of biological parents in respect of a child by giving permission for the adoption of a child to take place. These responsibilities and rights are invested in another person/s namely the adoptive parent/s.
For abused women and their children, VICTORY HOUSE (East London)
Abused women and their children. Unfortunately, women with psychiatric conditions and substance use disorders cannot be accommodated as Victory House does not have specialist staff.
Victory House is a victim empowerment programme of CMR East London. It was launched in 2017 in response to the high rates of gender-based violence and needs of women to have a safe space to heal and restore themselves. The house is for those who have been raped, been victims of human trafficking or any other kind of abusive situation serving communities across the race, religious and social spectrum. Women who have been in abusive relationships often need deeper psychological insight and healing so that they learn what it is that has led them to put up with ab use to allow them to make better choices in their future. It is a great joy when a woman finds her voice, realizes her value and discovers she does not have to tolerate abuse anymore: that there is a better future for her and her children. Victory House is a safe home which can accommodate 10 women and their children – providing for 20 people at any given time. The period of stay is between 3-6 months depending on the clients’ specific needs and interventions. The house team consists of 2 house mothers, a social worker who is the case manager, externally contracted sessional counsellor and two general assistants for housekeeping and gardening.
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